Monday, January 17, 2011

I love Shutterfly!

I just love Shutterfly. Especially when they give me free stuff! I was helping out my awesome sister and ordering some cards for her. Now they say if I share what I created on my blog, that I could get a $25 gift card. I'm always getting stuff on Shutterfly, so this will be awesome!

Scripted Name Baby 5x7 folded card
For hundreds of thank you card designs, click here.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We're Alive!!!

Yes, we are alive. And, yes, I kind of hate blogging lately. I admit it. : ) As I'm sure everyone already knows already, Brody is going to be a big brother! So what that has translated to is PURE EXHAUSTION for me. I have just in the last couple of weeks started to feel like a normal human being capable of functioning day to day. I am 17 weeks pregnant today and our little munchkin is due March 3rd. I swear its a girl and Rory swears its a boy. We'll see who is right in about 3 weeks : )

As far as the Brodester goes.....he is HUGE! And sooooo much fun. He has a motor that never stops. Hence, the exhaustion for mommy. He is 17 months old now and really becoming a big boy. I've recently enrolled him in a toddler music class at the Y that we go to once a week. He is quite the social stud and already swooning the ladies. Day 1 he went straight for the cute blonde girl. I asked Rory if these kind of things are pre-programmed or what?! And eeeeeeverybody, child and adult, love Brody's hair. I'll try to get a good picture of it but, man oh man, it is kinky curly strawberry blonde. He's such a stud.

Here are a couple of pictures to satisfy you for now. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't busted out the camera at all in about 3 or 4 weeks. My memory card was full and I just recently cleared it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sneak Peak

I'll blog more later but here are some sneak peaks from our beach vacation/wedding adventures. See how much Brody loooooooved the beach? : ) He HATED it. He wouldn't let you put him down in the sand and he WAILED if you took him near the ocean. I think the waves crashing scared him. We had a good time though. And Brody did AMAZING for the 15 hour car rides there and back.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Pool Day!

Yay for the first day at the POOL!!! Tish and I were not quite sure how this trip would end up but I'd say it was a success! Brody loooooooved the pool and was splashing around in the water and clapping his hands the whole time. Evie, however, wasn't too interested. She didn't want to get her pretty hair wet : ) We had a blast and plan on going more often now that we've tested the waters!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Channeling Einstein

Let's Play Catch Up....

Brody turned 1 on April 21st, his birthday party was on April 25th. Brody's closest friends and family were all in attendance and we had a great time.

Then beautiful weather finally decided to make an extended appearance. Thank goodness, because Brody and I were both clawing at the door to be outside! Brody thought about how he'd like to spend our summer days....
We spent some time swinging at the park.....
Playing on our new backyard play set from Grandma and Grandpa Hoke...

Discovered that he now loves to dip anything, especially grilled cheese and potato smiles, in some good old fashioned organic ketchup....
Daddy caught a toad to show Brody. So we let him nearly squeeze the life out, I mean, gently play with it. : ) I still shudder in disgust when I look at these pics. BOYS!

Then Daddy placed the nasty toad on Brody's head and Mommy nearly vomited. After this interaction, we freed the toad and mommy scrubbed Brody's little hands for the next hour : )

We also make a trip down to southern Ohio, where Rory used to teach. Jake, one of Rory's former students, had a graduation party that we just couldn't miss. However, I didn't manage to get any pictures of. I did get some pictures when we visited to Sockmans. Courtney and Kristin were either students or basketball players of Rory's. We try to keep in touch with them and it was great for them to finally meet Brody. Brody was soaking up all the attention from the pretty girls. : ) He even stripped off his shirt, haha.

And, here we are. Now you're caught up. For the most part, atleast. I'll try to do better with blogging. I'm even feeling a redesign of the blog, maybe : ) Aunt Mandy, however, is in high demand so it may be a while.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I know, I know. I've been MIA lately. So sorry! I'm really been lacking motivation as far as this blog is concerned. Brody is, however, as cute as ever and I will post new pics SOON! So check back with us!

By the way, my little man is WALKING!! He's been doing very short distances for a while but starting yesterday he's really taken off. Making trips clear across the room and all!