Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Official Results!

Well, the official results are in.'s still a Brody. : ) The below picture is pretty self-explanatory. He was being shy at first but then, with some coaxing, decided to spread 'em.

My mom and Rory both went with me to the ultrasound. Unfortunately, we didn't have a very fun tech. She just did her measurements and didn't let us do much admiring of our very, very cute little boy. The ultrasound was on the day that I was exactly 21 weeks and Brody already weighs 449 grams, or 14.9 ounces. That's only 1.1 ounces shy of a pound! What a porker! Below is a profile picture of Brody. Isn't he so cute?? What you're seeing by his face is part of his arm. He isn't much for photographs yet as he kept his arms over his face for the whole ultrasound.

In other big news, I'm feeling him kick now. That started around 19 weeks. Rory was even able to feel Brody kick one night when he was being extra rowdy. I think this whole process is finally becoming more real to Rory now that he's seen Brody on the ultrasound and felt him moving in my belly. I just wish we could split up this weight gain somehow. : ) Everyone tells me to enjoy it, though. But they're not the ones getting asked if they're having twins!

Anyways, Brody is healthy and happy for now. We'll just keep truckin' along and hope that April doesn't take too long to arrive.

Baby Brody Hoke is 22 weeks and counting......

Monday, November 19, 2007

Pictures of the Goods

Here are some pictures from my impromtu ultrasound from last week. Not the best pictures because we were in such awkward positions but you get the point.
This first picture is just a cute profile shot. Isn't Brody super cute already??

Now let me guide you through this next picture. Brody was moving around a ton so it was hard to get a clear picture of the goods. You could see it better as she was scanning. But anyways, what you see here is his bottom with his two legs coming up in the air. Then his little pee-pee is right in the middle! Sorry the picture is so dark!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Preliminary Results are In!!

Notice that I said....PRELIMINARY. As in, not 100% for sure.

I was at work yesterday when an ultrasound tech popped around the corner with her lovely little machine to do a head ultrasound on my tiny little patient. The wheels started turning in my head and I looked at the other nurses in my pod. They were thinking the same thing. Sooo when the tech was done with my patient, we politely asked if she might be willing to assist our plan. "Just a quick little peek," we said. Boy? Girl? I had to know!!! So we pulled a couple screens around so that it wasn't completely obvious what we were doing. (I was also trying to save some dignity, having to flash my big gut!) A few other nurses and respiratory therapists (even a nearby interested parent!) heard the commotion and we soon had a nice little audience. It wasn't easy, let me tell you. I had to stand up while the tech tried to crouch down to get a good view of my baby. "Open your legs, baby! Open your legs!," the tech said as she's jiggling my belly for all to see, trying to move the 4 inch being in my body. Finally, a good view.....It's....a.....BOY!!! However, like I said, not 100%. Although, pretty much 100%. I'm only 17 weeks so its still so small to really tell. But for now....Brody Patrick Hoke, it is.

Baby BRODY Hoke is 17 weeks + 1 day and counting....

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Preggo Update

I know, I'm terrible at this blog thing. I can sit at the computer for hours stalking other blogs but to update my own? Not easy for me. I think its just that I never know what to type. So maybe I'll try updating more often, just making them brief updates. I'll have to back up a few weeks to give you the exciting update....I got ANOTHER ultrasound! This time it was at 12 weeks, 4 days. How did I do this, you might ask? Well long story short, if you're ignorant enough to believe that your water broke when actually you just peed your pants, you buy yourself another look at your baby. Shut up. You try having a living being sit on your bladder and not freak out when a little bit sneaks out without warning. Now I know that its not amniotic fluid : ) Again, shut up. Here's a look at our cute little REAL looking baby... (sorry about the poor quality. i took a picture of a picture)

In other preggo news, I have only 1 pair of jeans that I can still button comfortably. I'd post a pic of the growing belly but I'm not quite ready for that yet. Here's some dialogue that occurred between me and a very sweet older RN that I work with...

Honest RN: "Wow, Sara! You're really starting to pop out there!
Me: "Yep."
Honest RN: "Are you sure you're not having twins??"
Me: "Yep."
Honest RN: "Must be a big baby!" (smiles and walks away)
Me: "Must be." (crying)

Oh the joys of pregnancy.

Baby Hoke is 15 weeks 2 days and counting....

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

1st Check-Up

Today was my first prenatal checkup with my doctor. Rory took the day off of work to go with me. It really was nothing exciting except that we got to hear the heartbeat! At first, my doc had trouble locating the heartbeat, which made me VERY nervous. But then he found it and it was so awesome! I wish I had my own doppler here at home so I could listen any time I wanted. He said everything looks great and I'll see him again in a month. Maybe I'll start posting some pics of my expanding waistline. Believe me, it is expanding. But so far I've only gained not quite 4 pounds, which I can deal with. I just feel like a massive cow, thats all.

Baby Hoke is 11 weeks + 5 days and counting....

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sarah McLachlan - World On Fire

World on Fire

I've seen this video a million times and I really don't know how I came across it this morning as I did my morning ritual--check email, blog stalk. But as I watched it again today, for the first time in a while, I bawled like a baby. Why? Well probably because 99% of the times since I've been pregnant I'm on the verge of tears. No, really, it was because I hope and pray so genuinely that Rory and I are able to teach our child how to love, how to serve and how to give to those less fortunate. I think that sometimes we forget those lessons ourselves but that is my prayer for our child. I remember when I went to Africa, my dad threw a fit. I was either going to die from AIDS or TB, or I was going to get eaten by an elephant, or I was going to catch some rare disease. But he let me go. When and if that situation comes for me and Rory and our child, we'll probably throw a fit too. But we'll hope he/she goes.

(See video above)

Baby Hoke is 10 weeks + 1 day and counting....

Thursday, September 20, 2007

8 Week Ultrasound

I'm really lucky to work where I do now that I'm pregnant. For those of you that don't know, I'm an RN in the Neonatal ICU at Miami Valley Hospital. Now, for the most part, I haven't felt too terribly sick so far this pregnancy. However, there was one day last week that I was reeeeally sick. I'm talking, I had stuff coming out from all directions. Bless Rory's little heart. I'm sure he was completely disgusted but he was changing out my puke bag nonetheless. When I woke up the next morning I still wasn't feeling well but went to work anyways. I was still puking at work but then I started to notice that I was bleeding a little bit. This is why I say I'm lucky to work where I do right now. Not only do I frequently pass my OB-GYN in the hallways but his office is one floor up from where I'm at. So when I started to bleed I just made a call up to my doc and they had me down for an ultrasound in no time. The ultrasound showed that everything was fine. They said that they saw no signs of bleeding in my uterus. They said it must have been from all the puking and pooping (hey, we're being honest here, folks) from the night before. AND I got to see the little heart fluttering. Rory was jealous : ) So here is a picture of our little lima bean.

Baby Hoke is 9 weeks and counting...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Alright Alright

Well, Mandy created this beautiful blog for me and she's on my back about posting. So, Mandy, here you go. You're probably the only one reading this....

I've always been anti-blogging so this is a stretch for me. Well, let me clarify. I've always been an anti-blogger. I am, however, the ultimate blog stalker. I'll do my best to please, though. : ) So you're probably wondering, why start blogging now? Welllllll, funny you should ask. As you may already know, Rory and I were married over 6 weeks ago. The wedding was perfect and we couldn't be happier than we are at this point in our lives. THEN God decided to throw us a little curveball in life. WE'RE PREGNANT! Not planned, to say the least. Yet still a blessing. So Mandy thought I should blog our whole journey with the pregnancy and parenthood because she wished that she had. I'll do my best to put up pictures (I do have and ultrasound pic already!) and not make this blog boring. Rory is begging me to let him post but, believe me, that would be like opening up a box of worms. (I love you, honey!) Maybe if he's on good behavior. :) Well, anyways, welcome to our blog and we'll keep you updated on how all 3 of us are surviving!


Baby Hoke is 8 weeks + 4 days and counting......

Get Posting already!!!

Im done until Rhaya lets me know how to get the center to go to the bottom. You can go ahead and post and it won't look too bad once you get a few on there.