Friday, December 26, 2008
Best Gift Ever
Trip to Lexington
Uncle Dan gave Brody a faux-hawk, although its kinda hard to see in the picture!
Waaaayyyyy Behind
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Belle Comes to Visit
Here is Brody thinking, "Hmm, that toy looks interesting. I think I want to play with that."
Here is Brody going in for the grab. At this point Belle is still smiling and playing along.
Ouch! Yep, he did it. He got a good grip on the nose.
And here is the staredown. Belle is saying, "Fool me once, Squirt. But you won't fool me twice."
NICU Halloween Party
Brody playing on the floor with Olivia, who is only a couple days younger than Brody and Grant, who is only a couple of weeks younger. Then there is Carter, 9 months, in the striped shirt.
Brody and Benjamin. Benjamin was born on the same day as my nephew, Ethan. So he was the youngest kiddo in attendance at only 3 weeks.
Benjamin, Brody and Grant. Grant came dressed at the Cleveland Browns Brownie Elf. SO CUTE!
Let me preface this picture by saying that there about 12 kids at the party, ranging from 3 weeks to 3 years. So a group picture was nearly, actually it was impossible, period. Here is half of the group, though. Grant, Anna, Brody, Benjamin and Noah.
Mobility begins....
Brody has been rolling over both ways for well over a month now. But within the last couple of weeks he has started using this as his mode of transportation. I realized this when one evening I placed him on a nice, soft blanket with several toys...went to check my email...and came back to find him on the cold, dirty hardwood floor. Notice picture below : ) The days of letting him lay on our bed while I put away laundry and leaving him on the changing table while I wash my hands are long gone.
Monday, October 20, 2008
6 Month Pictures
What a male.....he was all smiles after I let him go inside and sit on the sofa : )
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
He eats!
Day #1:
I like how it looks like Brody is really talking to Ethan in this picture. He's probably saying, "You better just get used to this whole picture taking thing. They're a bit ridiculous with their cameras."
Going in for a hug : ) How sweet!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ethan Amadeus Freshour
Here is Brody playing with Aunt Mandy before Ethan arrived. This was also before Aunt Mandy's epidural arrived, so she wasn't very fun to play with : )