Brody has been eyeing our food while we eat for weeks. Then he started waking up around 2-3am-ish acting like I never feed him. (But, really, does it look like I don't feed the child?? : ) ) So I decided that it was about time to add some variety to his meal plan. For the past 5 1/2 months he has been strictly mommy milk. The following photos describe how the introduction of food has gone....
Day #1:
Reaction: "What are you sticking in my mouth?...This isn't working...How am I supposed to suck this crap off the spoon?...Forget this."
Time Elapsed: 15 minutes

Day #2:
Reaction: "Ok, this is better...I like this fruit stuff you've added. Nice choice....I'm still not understanding that I can't suck this stuff off the spoon."
Time Elapsed: 10-15 minutes
Day #3:
Reaction: "I get it now! I open my mouth and you stick the spoon in....This isn't so bad after all."
Time Elapsed: 5-10 minutes
Day #4:
Reaction: "Forget this oatmeal cereal/fruit stuff, Mommy! Bring on the steak and potatoes!"
Time Elapsed: 30 seconds
I don't think we have a picky eater on our hands. He is LOVING his food!