I know Halloween was quiiiiiite some time ago now. This shows just how behind on blogging I am. Anyways, each year several girls from work get their kids together for a Halloween costume party and Brody and I were in attendance this year. I am, however, a bad mom and didn't have a costume for Brody. I did have a cute shirt for him, though. It said, "I love my Mummy, my Mummy loves me" : ) We had a great time at the party and it was nice for Brody to be able to play with some other babies his age.

Brody playing on the floor with Olivia, who is only a couple days younger than Brody and Grant, who is only a couple of weeks younger. Then there is Carter, 9 months, in the striped shirt.

Brody and Benjamin. Benjamin was born on the same day as my nephew, Ethan. So he was the youngest kiddo in attendance at only 3 weeks.

Benjamin, Brody and Grant. Grant came dressed at the Cleveland Browns Brownie Elf. SO CUTE!

Let me preface this picture by saying that there about 12 kids at the party, ranging from 3 weeks to 3 years. So a group picture was nearly impossible....no, actually it was impossible, period. Here is half of the group, though. Grant, Anna, Brody, Benjamin and Noah.