Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1 Year Old!

I can't even believe I'm writing this post. The past year FLEW by! And I'm amazed at how nostalgic I've felt all day. All week, really. I was talking to Brody all day saying, "Ok, Brody, exactly one year ago, Mommy was getting her epidural," "Ok, exactly one year ago, Mommy was getting her second epidural," "Exactly one year ago, Mommy's water broke," "Now, exactly one year ago, Mommy was squeezing you out." haha Luckily, Brody is still young enough to not realize how crazy his mommy is : )
Anyways, the past year has been amazing! Brody has just been such a blessing. SUCH A GOOD BABY! I mean, he really, really is. Good sleeper (usually), good eater (always). Just a good boy all around. I may not get as much sleep as I used to or dress as stylish as I used to, but I would not change it for the world. I love the Brodester!
As for his stats.....today he weighed 25lb 2oz and was 30 1/4in long. Those are both around the 80th percentile. Dr. Thomas said Brody checked out perfectly, both physically and developmentally.
This was first thing this morning. Can't you just hear Brody saying, "Ok, seriously? Pictures this early?"

We went to lunch at Bob Evans, where Brody CHOWED DOWN
Playing around in the living room. I'm his favorite playmate. He told me so.
This is at exactly 3:55pm, Brody's time of birth. And he was ticked that we were headed to the doctor : ) Sorry, bud.

I'll post some comparison pics later.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Helmet, anyone?

I'm looking for one, preferrably, with a face mask, chin strap and any other safety features that one might come with. And, while we're at it, could you throw in a padded body suit as well?
I need both of these things to survive Brody's childhood. This child is going to be the death of me! We were having a lovely morning playing and chasing each other around the house. (Notice exhibits A, B and C below). Then in one slip of his balance Brody fell into the bottom shelf of his closet, leaving a gaping hole above his lip! Or atleast that's how I interpreted it at first glance. Ok, maybe it was just a really bad cut. Either way, I decided to bypass all nursing knowledge in my brain and go straight to freaking out. I got out my trusty first aid kit and cleaned him up, while simultaneously packing his bag for the ER. I was sure he'd need stitches. And what, might you ask, was the first thought to go through my head. Was it, "My poor baby! Stitches will hurt!" or "I hope he's not scared of the ER!". Nope. Neither of those. It was, "Oh no! My beautiful baby's face! We have pictures in 2 weeks!" Don't judge me.
Long story short....Poppy came over and laughed in my face. He didn't think the cut was stitch-worthy at all. I'm telling you, it is a pretty nasty gash. But after I put my nursing brain back on I was able to assess, clean and bandage the wound. Then a call to the pediatrician's office confirmed my findings but pacified me with an appointment anyways. I'm sure they're used to crazy mothers. Anyways, the bottom picture is with his pseudo-dressing above his lip. And while we're looking at his adorable face, lets take a poll. Should I trim the curls? I mean, really, is it becoming a bit too Bozo the clown-like?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Well, Brody's 1st Easter has come and gone. We went to Rory's Grandma's house for lunch and then to Mimi and Poppy's house for dinner. We all ate well : ) There aren't too many pictures to document Brody's 1st Easter because he has become such a BOY in the fact that he is nearly impossible to photograph lately. But here are a few pictures that I was able to snag. I think the pink in his shirt brought out the red in his hair that day. haha : ) Cousin Ethan had the same outfit as Brody for Easter and looked super cute as well.

And here is Brody in his new puppy dog towel.....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

His "red wing" is back!!

When Brody was younger and losing his baby hair, he got to where he was almost bald but held on to this one single patch of hair on the right side of his head. We affectionately called it his "red wing" because it always flipped out. Well, Brody eventually lost his "red wing" too. Until now! The "red wing" is back!!......and has multiplied. haha : )