As far as the Brodester goes.....he is HUGE! And sooooo much fun. He has a motor that never stops. Hence, the exhaustion for mommy. He is 17 months old now and really becoming a big boy. I've recently enrolled him in a toddler music class at the Y that we go to once a week. He is quite the social stud and already swooning the ladies. Day 1 he went straight for the cute blonde girl. I asked Rory if these kind of things are pre-programmed or what?! And eeeeeeverybody, child and adult, love Brody's hair. I'll try to get a good picture of it but, man oh man, it is kinky curly strawberry blonde. He's such a stud.
Here are a couple of pictures to satisfy you for now. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't busted out the camera at all in about 3 or 4 weeks. My memory card was full and I just recently cleared it.