Lying on a beach, soaking up the sun? Backpacking through Europe? Cruising through the Caribbean? Lounging at a Sandals resort? Nahhhh. Not quite our idea of a family vacay these days. Why jet set to St. Lucia when we can hike our way through Charleston Falls, which is about 15 minutes from our house. We decided to take this outing with Brody one day l

ast week and had a really good time. Brody looooved being outside looking at the trees and listening to the birds. While I did enjoy getting out of the house and spending time with my two men, I quickly realized just how out of shape I am. We had fun, nonetheless, and Brody took a great nap that day! I'll have to being thinking about where our next outing will be. Hmmmm. Maybe Youngs Jersey Dairy. Or maybe just to Mimi and Poppy's so that mommy and daddy can nap : )

Brody is 11 weeks old today!
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