In the coupon market, that is. When I had Brody, I went part time at work. Well, with the census down at work I've been getting cancelled quite a bit. So I've gone from 72 hours/pay period to about 28 hours/pay period. Ouch. So after hearing about all the money that people save from couponing, I decided to give it a try. So today was my first outing. I decided to go for only a few items and see what I could do. I felt like some sort of sneaky thief walking in to CVS, coupons in hand. : ) Here is how my trip went...
Transaction #1
Dawn Dish Soap:
on sale for 0.88 (reg. 1.99) - 0.50 coupon = 0.38
Crest Toothpaste:
on sale for 2.49 (reg. 3.29) - 0.75 coupon= 1.74 + earn 1.50 CVS bucks
Infant Advil:
on sale for 5.79 (reg. 6.29)- 1.00 coupon= 4.79 + earn 5.79 CVS bucks
Covergirl Make-Up:
B1G1 special + B1G1 coupon = FREE
Total Savings= 15.64
Out of Pocket= $9 plus tax
Transaction #2
on sale for 8.88 (reg. 12.49) - 1.50 coupon= 7.38
use 7.29 CVS bucks earned
Total Savings= 12.40
Out of Pocket= 0.09 + tax = 20 cents!!
Now I'm still learning the ropes but I'm loving this whole saving money thing!