Most of you probably already know that I love, love, LOOOOOVE Jessica Strickland's photography. She did our engagement pics, wedding pics, my niece Belle's pics and will be doing Brody's 1 year pics. Now as much as I wish she could just live in our home and photograph every moment we have with Brody, I know that's just not possible. So what I do is follow Brody around like the papparazzi and pretend that I'm Jessica. : ) I bought a fancy camera and I'm constantly messing with it to try and get some super cool pics. So I was pumped this morning when I took some pics of Brody during some tummy time and caught some sun flare! I don't even know if thats what it is called but I thought the pictures looked neat anyways.
Riiiight before a sneeze...: )

When Brody was younger, his hair had a definite red tint to it. Now its coming in much, much blonder. But he still has this tiny patch of red on the right side of his head. See it sticking up in the picture? Rory calls it his "Red Wing" haha : )

Done with tummy time and ready for a nap

Jessica should be proud !!
This made me giggle- because not just jessica but many other very talented photogs always have me tying to take the most creative shot possible...I've even tried to start carrying my camera with me EVERYWHERE! The only handful of urls that I know are all photography blogs- I stalk every chance I get! And- Jess, if you are reading this you're definately one of them!!
LOL!! You are soo cute! You are doing a GREAT job and just keep taking tons pictures!! :) Can't wait to formally meet your cute little man and do his 1 year pics!! Let's get those scheduled! :)
hmm...think it may be time for an update!
Brody I'm sure have grown a bit since the last! ;)
Ok we need a Hoke family update!!!!
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