Friday, March 14, 2008

Brody's Future Wife

As many of you already know, my good friend Tish has joined me on this rocky road we call pregnancy. Actually, she got pregnant first and is exactly 4 weeks ahead of me. What's especially exciting about this is that she is having a sweet little girl and I'm having a sweet little boy! And we've already arranged their marriage! Here is their first picture together, still in their mommas' bellys:

The name of Tish's little one is still a secret to everyone. Although Tish did let Brody and I in on the secret and we think its a beautiful name and will someday sound great with the last name Hoke! Tish and I can't wait for our little one's to get here so that 1. we can finally see their sweet little faces! 2. we can work on getting this baby weight off and 3. they can join us as we lounge by the country club pool this summer! : ) (My mom thinks we have a skewed view of reality by thinking #3 will actually happen! haha)

Tish, we're soooo close!!

Baby Brody Hoke is 34 weeks + 1 day and counting......

Baby Shower #1

Well, unfortunately, I don't have many pictures of my shower. The shower was on February 17th. I had the intentions of taking a bunch of pics but I just never got around to it. Here are a few, though:

Here's a pic of the mountain of gifts. And this is only shower #1!

The beautiful shower planners, Ashley and Bethany! Mandy did a TON of work for the shower, too, but isn't pictured. Ashley came all the way from Florida!

Ok, I guess that's really all I've got. I told you I did a bad job of taking pictures of the shower.