Friday, June 27, 2008

2 Months Old!

I'm a few days behind on Brody's 2 month post. I took him to the doctor for his check-up and he is one healthy boy! He weighed 14lbs 6oz (off the charts) and was 24in long (95th percentile). The doctor said he was a beautifully healthy boy and doesn't need to see him again until his 4 month check-up.

Developmentally, Brody has changed sooo much. He's smiling a TON and talking up a storm. Right now, the little elephant that hangs on his car seat is his best friend and he talks to him all the time. Brody is also mastering that whole head control thing. : ) I'm having so much fun being with Brody everyday and I absolutely hate the thought of going back to work. However, Brody's babysitter happens to be his Mimi so that makes it a little easier for me. I just love that little guy so much, I hate to be away from him!

Here are some recent pics of the little guy. I love the one of Rory holding Brody in the Baby Bjorn, it cracks me up.

Brody with his favorite little monkey that Aunt Mandy made him. He never takes a nap without him!
Hanging with daddy
In the Baby Bjorn with daddy. Rory will do ANYTHING to make his little guy happy and Brody loves to ride around in this.
Working on holding his head up

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Hey everybody! This is Brody. Today is my daddy's 30th birthday and I just wanted to let you all know that I have the best daddy in the world and I love him very much. He told me and mommy not to buy him anything for his birthday so we didn't. But we did make him a little something. So here you go, daddy! Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day! We LOVE you!

Brody and Mommy

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Brody Takes Evie to the Levy

Brody and Evelyn had another date the other day. They had a nice romantic walk on the levy : ) and lunch at Night Sky. They were even dressed in their matching Old Navy outifits and hats. It was too windy to keep the kiddos outside for their photo-op so we settled for Winans.

Tish and I could not stop laughing when trying to take their pics. Don't they look hilarious!? Or atleast annoyed, one or the other : )