Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'm Going to Birth a Toddler

My mom gave Rory and I an early gift yesterday.....a 3D/4D ultrasound of little Brody. Here's a list of the crew that went: me and Rory, my mom, my sister Mandy, and my best friends Ashley and Bethany. Ashley came all the way from Florida for this weekend! And Bethany drove up from southern Ohio! Brody is one loved little boy already!

We got confirmation from this ultrasound that Brody is, in fact, going to be the size of a toddler by the time he makes his grand entrance. He is such a chunky monkey! Just wait till you see these pics.....

This is my FAVORITE picture! I think he looks just so sweet and cuddly. But look at the size of those hands and forearm!

We tried so hard for a good face shot but he just would not move those hands! This didn't surprise me, though, because this is exactly how he's been for EVERY ultrasound.

He has his little legs crossed in this picture. And, again, look at the size of his calf! Yikes! And we definitely know he's Rory's son with those toes : )

The ultrasound lady kept commenting on how chunky Brody looked. AAAAND how cute he looked : ). She could also tell that he's got lots of hair already. Rory and I can't wait to see him!

Baby Brody Hoke is 30 weeks + 3 days and counting....

We're in the Home Stretch!

Yay for the 3rd trimester! Don't worry, I won't whine as much in this post. I'm past that.....for today : ). Rory and I went for a couples massage yesterday, which helped tremendously with my back pain. Here's an updated belly pic..

Not a great pic but you can definitely tell I'm growing. And you get a sneak peak at the nursery! More pics on that soon. And here's that ultrasound pic of Brody that I promised. This ultrasound was at almost 26 weeks and we had to have it done b/c they thought they had seen something abnormal with his brain on my 21 week ultrasound. But all is well and Brody is growing like a healthy baby boy should be! Although he did weigh 2 lbs at that point.....70th percentile! Yikes!

But, really, how cute is that profile?! Rory and I are getting really excited and can't wait to meet our little man!

Baby Brody Hoke is 29 weeks + 3 days and counting.....

Monday, February 4, 2008

I'm done!

with this whole pregnancy thing, that is! I knew it was coming, though.....the point where I was going to get uncomfortable. But, good grief, this stinks! Here are my complaints:
1)My back hurts ALL THE TIME! Especially after my 12 1/2 hour shifts. 2)My feet hurt with this extra 29 (not 30, YET!) pounds on them.
3)Sleeping is becoming impossible. Notice that I'm writing this at 2:50AM. I just toss and turn (slowly..b/c even that isn't easy at this point).
4)The swelling has begun. Again, especially after my 12 1/2 hour shift. I worked all weekend and right now my hands are like baseball mits. Not comfy!
5)My belly button is so tight that I think it might burst!
6)I have to rock myself to gain the momentum to get my big butt off of our bed. Seriously.
Ok, I'll stop. I've still got just under 12 weeks to go so I should just suck it up. Just needed to vent : ) I do have a great husband, though. He's been putting up with me well. He'll rub my back and tell me I look hot (although HAHA, there are mirrors in our house!)

I'll end this with a funny story, though. Last night, Rory and I were laying in bed and Brody started to move around a lot. I lifted up my shirt and I think we watched my belly for like 15 minutes. It was CONSTANT WAVES! He was all over the place! I think this was the first time that I was like, ok this little being inside me is ALIVE! And every few seconds there would be this extra hard bump stick way out on the left side of my belly, which I'm guessing was his little butt. And if Rory pressed on my belly, Brody would fight back like, hey back off! I'm already crowded in here! It was HILARIOUS!

I'll try to post some pics later today. We had another ultrasound a couple weeks ago and geesh, that's a whole other story!

Baby Brody Hoke is 28 + 4 days and counting......