Sunday, July 20, 2008

Handsome Little Man

I absolutely LOVE being Brody's mommy. I may have a little more cellulite than before, dress nice a little less often, and have some serious bags under my eyes but I LOVE this kid like crazy! He is soo fun and I just really enjoy having him in our life. Here are just a few cute recent pics.

Here is my little chubster! Look at that belly! And the diaper is there not just because I'm posting this on the internet. It's because he usually gets a little tooooooo relaxed in the tub and I got sick of draining poo out of the water : )

Mommy and Brody : )

Brody has been holding his head up for quite a while now. So putting him down for a nap isn't as easy as it once was, as you can see. He's so nosey!

Brody in his Bumbo seat...

I LOVE this picture! You can see his hairy little ears : )

Brody will be 3 months old tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I love the nap picture because that is so Evie!....I miss the all morning nap when they couldn't hold their heads up!

Mandy said...

He's looking more like you I think.