Monday, August 18, 2008

Brody & Riley

A couple weekends ago Rory, Brody and I made a trip down to Cincy to visit some friends. Brody got to visit with his Aunt Bethany and meet his Aunt Ashley for the first time! We also got to see our good friends, Jason and Megan....and their dog, Riley. Brody and Riley got along really well, except when Riley kept stealing Brody's monkey! : ) I did a little photo shoot with the two of them to try and get some good pics. This is the best I could do....

Meet Riley...
"Seriously, Brody, when is your mom going to stop with the camera??"
"Never, Riley, never."


Mandy said...

I like the one where Riley is licking his face.

Anonymous said... cute. I like the last one where they are talking to each other :O) Brody needs a puppy, doesn't he?

Tish said...

too cute!...funny about the monkey:), Buddy kept trying to get Evelyns giraffe tonight!.,,mind you, he doesn't come near her toys!....for whatever reason he was obsessed!....thanks for Brody to play with Ev today!!! was nice to hear she was doing well!

Anonymous said...

how cute!!! i think brody could use a puppy for christmas!!

Megan Placeway said...

I wish I would've gotten video/pics of Riley waking him up with kisses.