Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cousin Ethan has arrived!

Ethan finally made his debut! He was born today at 1:57pm, weighing in at 8lb 5oz and 21in long. He's got a perfect little round head with lots of dark hair. So cute! Brody waited in the waiting room with Poppy while Ethan arrived. He was very excited to meet his cousin! However, I think he might have trouble sharing the attention. Mandy was getting close to the point where she could start pushing so I nursed Brody really quick before I handed him off to Poppy. Well, just as I handed Brody to Mimi to take out to Poppy, he had a MAJOR blowout. I'm talking, poop up to his neck. And Mandy is literally ready to push, the doctor is waiting for us to get out of her way so she can get stuff ready for the delivery and here we are stripping my son down to his birthday suit. And wouldn't you know, I didn't bring an extra outfit with me. So, yeah, this created an issue jussssst as Ethan was ready to make his entrance. So we said Brody must have known this and wanted to turn the attention back to him : ) I'll post pictures soon. My camera is still at the hospital (I came back to Mandy's house to let Brody get a good nap).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is so cute!! Mandy looks amazing for just having a baby too!! Sorry about the poopy mess!! When you gotta go, ya gotta go!!!