Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ethan Amadeus Freshour

Ok, get ready for a slew of pictures.... (they're kinda out of order but I'm on Mandy's fancy Mac and have already accidentally deleted several pics so just go with it)

Here is Brody playing with Aunt Mandy before Ethan arrived. This was also before Aunt Mandy's epidural arrived, so she wasn't very fun to play with : )

Brody and Mimi
Ethan Amadeus Freshour...8lb 5oz
Mimi & Poppy and their boys
Brody meets cousin Ethan for the first time...
Bright eyed...Welcome to the world!
Mommy and Ethan
Ethan and Aunt Sara!
Me and the little man
Welcome to the world, Ethan!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting pictures of Ethan! I've been anticipating seeing him! He is so handsome! Congrats on being an aunt again! Looks like one big happy family! Cheers!

K!M (Mandy's Friend)

anita said...

Thanks Sara! It's so great to get to see Ethan! And I loved Brody's story. :) hehe. Give Mandy a big hug and all my love!