Monday, March 2, 2009

Belle and Ethan Come to Visit....Grandma Richmond does too!

Mimi and Poppy kept Belle and Ethan over the weekend so Brody got to play with his cousins! I love watching the 3 of them interact. Brody and Ethan are cute because they'll just sit and stare and smile at each other......until Brody tries to chew on poor Ethan or, worse, crawl on him. Then there is Belle, who looooooooves Brody. She's so stinkin cute with him. And they actually play really well together. Belle would read (in her own little language) to Brody and he would just stare at the book and really listen to her. Then she would walk away and call Brody to her like a dog and he'd crawl right to her. It was funny.
My grandma Richmond also made an unexpected visit, which was really nice. I didn't know she was coming and she hadn't got to see Brody for a while so it was good to see her. And she had never met Ethan so she picked a good weekend to come!
The three kiddos....Belle didn't want to see by Ethan and hold him up so Mimi had to prop him. Oh, the sibling love! haha
Grandma Richmond with 3 of her great-grandkids
Grandma and the boys. Brody is such a ham!
These next two pictures are a dangerous sequence that crack me up! Brody was playing next to Ethan and it made my mom and I nervous because we didn't want big bubba Brody to fall on poor little Ethan. Well I took the top picture then as I'm taking the bottom picture, Brody starts to fall on Ethan. I saved Ethan's life that day : ) You can tell in the bottom picture because the picture is out of focus, as I had to move mid-picturesnap to catch Brody. : )


Mandy said...

I have a feeling that once Ethan is more mobile, it'll be ON with Brody. I can see the wrestling match now.

Sara said...

I think you're right. I'm sure Ethan is bottling up all his paybacks.

Angel said...

They are all so cute! I wish somebody would get busy and have Tanner some cousins to play with!