Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Helmet, anyone?

I'm looking for one, preferrably, with a face mask, chin strap and any other safety features that one might come with. And, while we're at it, could you throw in a padded body suit as well?
I need both of these things to survive Brody's childhood. This child is going to be the death of me! We were having a lovely morning playing and chasing each other around the house. (Notice exhibits A, B and C below). Then in one slip of his balance Brody fell into the bottom shelf of his closet, leaving a gaping hole above his lip! Or atleast that's how I interpreted it at first glance. Ok, maybe it was just a really bad cut. Either way, I decided to bypass all nursing knowledge in my brain and go straight to freaking out. I got out my trusty first aid kit and cleaned him up, while simultaneously packing his bag for the ER. I was sure he'd need stitches. And what, might you ask, was the first thought to go through my head. Was it, "My poor baby! Stitches will hurt!" or "I hope he's not scared of the ER!". Nope. Neither of those. It was, "Oh no! My beautiful baby's face! We have pictures in 2 weeks!" Don't judge me.
Long story short....Poppy came over and laughed in my face. He didn't think the cut was stitch-worthy at all. I'm telling you, it is a pretty nasty gash. But after I put my nursing brain back on I was able to assess, clean and bandage the wound. Then a call to the pediatrician's office confirmed my findings but pacified me with an appointment anyways. I'm sure they're used to crazy mothers. Anyways, the bottom picture is with his pseudo-dressing above his lip. And while we're looking at his adorable face, lets take a poll. Should I trim the curls? I mean, really, is it becoming a bit too Bozo the clown-like?


Mandy said...

Ha Ha, it must be a boy thing. Belle has yet to have any injury that was more than a little scrape.

Thats a hard one on the hair, maybe just cut his little wings while the top comes in. I want to see some long curly locks on him though.

Tammy said...

Dear Sara,
Ok, I have secretly been reading your stories & Mandy's (well your mother knows) and I have decided I have been quiet long enough, haha!! God Love You!! As the mother of boys, let me give you a little insight, maybe a little lengthy, but you know me...Now as the Mother of two sons who are as different as night and day, let me tell you they are BOYS all they way...AAhh Matt, my first, long hard labor, easy child with a giant heart, slept 12 hrs after the 2nd night I brought him home. Careful to think before he leaps.
He did play football & baseball for 6 years. We did get him graduated, class of 2007. While he is laid off from F&S Harley-Davidsion, he is now almost 20 & at 6' is the 'shorter' brother. Loves Harley's and trucks that bounce up and down (airbags), He is my 'MOTORHEAD'. He does love his mama & daddy, always gives hugs and kisses when we meet and when we leave. (Sounds like a singles ad, doesn't it, haha) Now Chris, ooohhh Chris, accident prone since birth, did not breath at birth, then had jaundice (we think those were clues he would always keep us on our toes). He has no fear! He walked at 9 mos and had 'time out' at 9 mos and 1 day. ER for stitches in the face at 12 mos, few days later he fell in a toy box with teeth through the lip (like Brody), I actually ask the ER Dr. 'How many times can I come in before you call Childrens services?'.. ER, Broken finger at 8 yrs Football/Baseball/Basketball. Football injury's out the wazoo...torn ACL, multiple sprained ankle, Car accident (after 72 hrs with license), concussion(s), shoulder surgery, Syncope (b/p issues), (in the last 4 months, over $13,000 in medical bills, Thank God for BC/BS), and ooohhh the mouth. He is now 17 & stands 6'4" and getting ready for prom. He Loves to fish (don't forget the fish hooks in the fingers), wants to be a Marine Biologist he is my 'FISHHEAD'..So, what has this lengthy comment said??? That even though they are different as night and day, they are true Blessings. Matthew means 'gift from God' and Christian of course..'biblical'. (one special thing from me as their mother I can tell you is that both of my boys came to the Lord in their rooms on their own, A pastor told them that is the sweetest way to come to the Lord) and to this day, they always have Guardian angels clipped to their visors in their vehicles, they know God is watching over them and Mama is praying for them.
Not to take away from girls in the world, Lord knows MY boys love them. But as the Mother of Sons, let me tell you there is NOTHING like the Love of a son, the kisses, the hugs, the laughter (OOHH there is lots and lots of laughter), some tears, and a lot of prayers. So, pray with him and sing silly songs with him. I can honestly say God gave me boys for a reason.
I would not change a moment of it... So, take a breath, let it out slowly (your mother and I call this a sssiiiggghhh) and enjoy the ride. Hold him as long as you can, and kiss him as much as you want, But be tough as he grows. Always command respect, because remember, one day he may be bigger than you are, and when you look UP at him (haha) to take away the car keys, he will need to know you are the boss! Love Love Always, Tammy

The Pyatskowit Family said...

Just blog stalking you today! I had to check out Seth's b-day buddy's birthday post. As for the hair, just realize that when it is cut he'll look about, oh, 6 months older in 2 seconds. Seth had to have a hair cut (stick straight hair in the eyes is not cute) and it broke my heart how old he looked all of a sudden. I'm used to it now, and he's really ready for another haircut. Just thought I'd let you know my experience.
By the way, Brody has Seth by 7 pounds! Seth's a good eater, but just a tiny thing. Poor guy. Hope he grows someday.
Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

this is your aunt debby could you talk to a 15 year old girl about what it is like to be a neonatal nurse if so let me know. brody is so cute