Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1 Year Old!

I can't even believe I'm writing this post. The past year FLEW by! And I'm amazed at how nostalgic I've felt all day. All week, really. I was talking to Brody all day saying, "Ok, Brody, exactly one year ago, Mommy was getting her epidural," "Ok, exactly one year ago, Mommy was getting her second epidural," "Exactly one year ago, Mommy's water broke," "Now, exactly one year ago, Mommy was squeezing you out." haha Luckily, Brody is still young enough to not realize how crazy his mommy is : )
Anyways, the past year has been amazing! Brody has just been such a blessing. SUCH A GOOD BABY! I mean, he really, really is. Good sleeper (usually), good eater (always). Just a good boy all around. I may not get as much sleep as I used to or dress as stylish as I used to, but I would not change it for the world. I love the Brodester!
As for his stats.....today he weighed 25lb 2oz and was 30 1/4in long. Those are both around the 80th percentile. Dr. Thomas said Brody checked out perfectly, both physically and developmentally.
This was first thing this morning. Can't you just hear Brody saying, "Ok, seriously? Pictures this early?"

We went to lunch at Bob Evans, where Brody CHOWED DOWN
Playing around in the living room. I'm his favorite playmate. He told me so.
This is at exactly 3:55pm, Brody's time of birth. And he was ticked that we were headed to the doctor : ) Sorry, bud.

I'll post some comparison pics later.


Mandy said...

Did you cut his hair, it looks different. Happy Birthday Brody!

Sara said...

Nope, didn't cut it. Maybe its just starting to calm down : )

anita said...

happy birthday brody!

Angel said...

sara you are just as beautiful and stylish as always and so is the Brodester-haha!

I can't believe how big they are getting and how fast it is all going by. Someone tell time to please stop!

Ariel said...

hi, Sarah! Wanted to stop in and see your stylish blog! Cute! And, mr. Brody is a doll baby.

Ariel said...

Sara, the little dress you made for Belle is DARLING!! You need an etsy shop!! and i need a little girl to wear one of your creations! ;)

Sara said...

Thanks, Ariel! I've really been eating up all the good feedback about her dress! But I have to tell ya, I bought the dress as a kit on etsy. It comes with the ribbon, thread and fabric pre-cut. All I had to do was all the sewing : )